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Connecting some concepts in psychology, systems engineering and management, and Active Inference

In this post, I connect some of the concepts from psychology, systems engineering and systems management (as normative sciences), and the theories of agentic intelligence (aka normative theories of agency). These connections can serve as a basis for the ontology of the normative discipline of personal development, i. e., “engineering of the self”. In the context of this post,

Towards the ontology of third generation systems approach

Anatoly Levenchuk Head of Science in EEMI, Research Director at INCOSE Russian chapter Abstarct Systems engineering is a practice of changing the world for the better based on a systems ontology (sometimes called “systems approach ontology”, including all the concepts needed to implement a systems approach in thinking). There are several current initiatives on the

Thinking by Writing. Thinking by Modeling

Thinking happens neither in a human brain, nor in a group of people’s brain, but in a brain and an exocortex. What do we mean when we say that thinking is a completely internal act? Thinking purely “inside your head” is unproductive and leads to slips of attention, mistakes, and inarticulate thoughts. For better performance

Additional material for chapter 7 of Ontologics and Communication online course

List of relation types: Hierarchies superclass-subclass (is a superclass) instance class (is an instance of a class) part-whole (is a part of) Representation (refers to) Language and meta-language (allows you to interpret the language) Agent and role (plays a role) “Believe in” and “assume that” “I wish” and “must have” When you declare any object,